Want to Kickstart your private Lending progress?
...See my FREE 12-Minute Training with Important Funding Information You NEED To Know Before Going Further With Private Lending.  

What You'll Learn in This FREE Training
Secret #1
build a Solid foundation
 Issues with Banks, Lines-Of-Credit and Hard Money Lenders that cause you pain.
See the 12 reasons your building the funding for your business on SAND!
Secret #2
play by the rules
It’s not the Wild West when borrowing Private Money… Here are the rules when using private lenders.
Secret #3
Staying safe and flourishing
99% of real estate investors don't have a clue about these rules. You must know them to stay safe when borrowing private money.

Who Am I?
Over the past 22 years, Alan Cowgill has perfected 16 methods for attracting people with money, winning their confidence, and turning them into private lenders. Alan has done hundreds of real estate transaction and since 1997, the bulk of his deals have been exclusive with private lenders. 
Industry leaders call him the #1 authority on attracting private money, and compete with each other to book him at their conferences. Investors always pay a premium to see Alan speak. 

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